Saturday, May 27, 2006

Spain Day 7 - Malaga

After breakfast, I caught the bus into town and went to a couple of museums. The Museo de Arte y Costumbres has a good collection of folk arts - items made for the home and village celebrations. So there were lots of tools, some clothing and costumes for festivals, furniture etc. Then I wandered across to the biggie, the Museo Picasso Malaga. It´s quite newly opened and is based on donations of works from Picasso´s daughter in law and her son. The collection is housed in a lovely old villa. There was also a temporary exhibition of works from when Picasso was living in Antibes - the paintings and sculptures there are designed around classical motifs - fauns and nymphs etc.

Other than that, had a quiet day. The shops all closed down about 3pm, and so I went back to Pedralojedo and sat in the sun, before having some fish for dinner by the beach.

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