Friday, June 03, 2005


Visited a couple of exhibitions on Sunday. First of all I went to the National Portait Gallery which had an exhibition of the photos of Lee Miller, who seemed to know everyone and had a really interesting life. She was American, but lived in Paris, Egypt and London, becoming an accredited war photographer during WWII. She travelled to Paris and Germany after liberation, taking some chilling photos of Belsen and other concentration camps. After the war, she was friendly with Picasso and took many photos of him.

There was also an exhibition of photos of
Frida Kahlo at the NPG, prior to the major exhibition of her work at Tate Modern later this year.

I also visited the
Royal Academy and saw the Matisse, His Art and His Textiles exhibition which was very interesting, but very crowded! I think I've been spoilt with all the time I spend at Tate Britain during the Turner Whistler Monet exhibition, having the rooms to myself! But it was fascinating to read about Matisse collecting fabrics throughout his life and having a real knowledge and desire to use different patterns in his work.

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