Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A return for a good reason!

I know I've been really slack on this blog for a few months - hey, nearly a year! I'd been a bit unsettled by the whole centipede incident in Greece where I'd blogged about the centipede infestation in my room in S**i, the island I was staying on. The owner of the accomodation had a Google alert on S**i and was a bit twitchy about me saying that there were creepy crawlies dropping on me in the middle of the night! I think she over-estimated how wide-spread my readership was!

But as I've decided to return to NZ at the end of the year, I thought this would be a good opportunity to blog about my last few months here, and also how I find the return to Godzone! One thing I'd like to record (for any of my friends here who are also returning to NZ) are the bits and pieces I've been doing to move myself and my stuff, and all the logistics etc.

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