Friday, July 15, 2005


We all stood silent for two minutes in the sunshine at noon yesterday to remember the victims of the bombing last week. Hundreds of people standing in front of City Hall where we were, and then we could see people standing outside on top of buildings on the other side of the river. The huge building site behind our offices fell silent for two minutes as well as the roads around the city.

Two recent articles in the Guardian have resonated with me recently, along with all the coverage of who the bombers were and the aftermath of the attack. The first, an article about the moving speech made by Marie Fatayi-Williams, the mother of one of the victims, shows the anguish and loss of a bereaved and confused mother. And the second is a letter to the terrorists from a young Muslim from Yorkshire, emphasising that the bombers are not representative of their religion or community.

I've also been following this diary on the BBC site written by a survivor of the Piccadilly Line train.

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