Sunday, March 07, 2010


We went to see the fantastic and interactive Apollo 13: Mission Control at Downstage Theatre last night. It's one of the hot tickets at the Wellington International Festival and was great fun! It's based around Apollo 13 mission in 1970 which very nearly ended in disaster and later became a movie with Tom Hanks and Bill Paxton etc.

The play is very interactive - about half the audience (not us sadly) are seated behind consoles on the ground floor and given roles to play during the production. One lucky audience member even got to be one of the astronauts (you can see this one in the top right hand corner of the screen). There were three actors on the 'stage' and about 100 audience members pushing buttons and yelling out information, they must have all been given roles and little instruction booklets (eg surgeons, meterologists, PR people etc.). Very entertaining to watch and very gripping as well. At one crucial point the actors had all left and one audience member just stood up and took control of something important so that was a great relief! Wish we'd been able to get more involved but there was plenty of cheering and encouragement from the upper levels (or the press gallery). Great fun!

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